
Tuesday, May 21, Noon

Internal Revenue Service Offices


Sorry for the confusion.

107 Charles Lindbergh Blvd

Garden City.


Near the Cradle of Aviation Museum


Has the news that the IRS was deliberately discriminating against conservative and religious voters infuriated you?

Join us at Noon on Tuesday, May 21st to protest outside local IRS offices.

Further information to follow.

Discrimination is Un-American

Voter Suppression is Un-American

The IRS is Un-American


The central figure in the looming IRS scandal, Lois Lerner, gave a speech early in 2012 at a the Charity Law Conference in Toronto, Canada.

This video excerpts relevant portions of that speech to demonstrate how decisions were made and who participating in those decisions in her group.

Every member of those groups who participated in decisions over the past 6 years should be deposed as to what they know.

Every working plan she created and the notes leading up to those plans should be subpoenaed.

This scandal extends far beyond the oft stated 75 groups the media is quoted, there are thousands of groups that did not file for 501(c)4 status because they heard of the onerous reporting requirements the IRS was imposing.  A class action lawsuit should be commenced immediately on behalf of those who were suppressed by the actions of the IRS.

The full video of her speech can be found at

A gentleman and citizen legislator, Bob Turner speaks with frankness and humility to his crowds of supporters last night.

Quick with an easy smile and a joke, Bob Turner is one of the most refreshing candidates I have had the pleasure to meet.

Some interesting video from the election HQ last night:

Mayor Koch and Assemblyman Dov Hikind speak at Bob Turner Victory Party:

We Won!!!
How’s them Apples, Schumer and Weiner?
Tea Parties Rock this town!

Today is Election Day for the 9th Congressional District!

Bob Turner is narrowly ahead in the polls and the scent of victory is in the air!

Although played down in the campaign, Tea Party Patriots from all the Tea Party groups on Long Island and New York City have been in the thick of the action!

Today we walked the district, put out lawn signs, made telephone calls, made donations, etc…, just as we have done throughout the campaign.

As the afternoon wore on we were even called on for traffic control for the small forest of news media trucks that began to sprout in the small parking lot between the campaign office and the Roma View where the election results will be announced!

Inside the Roma View:

As we left the moon rose and the media kept arriving!

Minnesotans for Global Warming presents:  Drill Baby Drill

Great video of the scenes outside the Turner/Weprin debate both before and after!

More here!


We have a unique opportunity to send a profound message to Obama and the free spending Democrats in Washington next month!

Help get Bob Turner elected to replace Anthony Weiner the Sext perv!

Here’s video from Bob Turner’s appearance at a Tea Party meeting this week:

Business Man, Tea Party Patriot, Conservative.

Bob Turner for Congress!

The NY Post reports the Spendaholic Dems are going ‘postal’!

p.s.  This is also Chucky the Schmucky Schumer’s old seat!

More Here!

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